
Molecular Products’ portfolio of defense products provide collective or personal protection in life critical applications to sustain a breathable atmosphere.

Our range includes Chemsorb CBRN and military grade impregnated and activated carbons for the removal of airborne contaminants in personal and collective protective equipment, as well as Sofnolime, the world leading brand of carbon dioxide absorbent, manufactured for use by special forces divers. Our oxygen generator portfolio includes the MPOG and EO2-30 for collective use on submarines, as well as the ROG personal oxygen generator point of injury critical care.

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Molecular Products’ portfolio of defense products provide collective or personal protection in life critical applications to sustain a breathable atmosphere.

Our range includes Chemsorb CBRN and military grade impregnated and activated carbons for the removal of airborne contaminants in personal and collective protective equipment, as well as Sofnolime, the world leading brand of carbon dioxide absorbent, manufactured for use by special forces divers. Our oxygen generator portfolio includes the MPOG and EO2-30 for collective use on submarines, as well as the ROG personal oxygen generator point of injury critical care.

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  • Case study

    The challenge

    DCNS is a major export manufacturer of diesel-electric/hybrid AIP submarines and a major technology driver for Navy submarine manufacture.

    During the trials of the boats for the Royal Malaysian Navy, the performance of the CO2 removal units was found to be lower than required on this class of submarine.

    The data recorded during the trials indicated that the maximum concentration of CO2 allowed on board would be exceeded in typical crew conditions.

  • Case study

    Understanding the issue

    The information supplied by DCNS to Molecular Products included the results of the trials as well as the conditions for use including information such as the total quantity of material used in each of the scrubbers and the internal volume of the submarine.

    The data showed that DCNS had reduced the flow rate through the absorbers to optimise the system. It was their expectation that at lower flow rates the soda lime within the scrubbers would be more efficient.

    However, by reducing the flow rate DCNS had increased the circulation time for the air being processed. So although the scrubber was working to full specification, it was not processing enough air and hence not removing enough CO2 to maintain the levels required.

  • Case study

    The solution

    Increasing the flow rate to that required for the specific conditions reduced the CO2 levels to within operating specifications. Molecular Products were able recommend this minimum acceptable rate (to conserve energy and reduce noise) after running their internally developed models.

    Molecular Products supplied Sofnolime S grade soda lime for use in the life support system for CO2 removal or ‘scrubbing’. Sofnolime S grade is specially formulated for this application to cope with the particular conditions encountered on a submarine.

  • Case study

    The results

    DCNS were satisfied that the support from Molecular Products technical team had identified that the CO2 systems supplied were working to full specification and met all their requirements. The boats in question were subsequently delivered to the Royal Malaysian Navy.